Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Interview Series- Olivia Johnson

                                 Does Online Marketing Really Work 

Hey guys! I am back with another Interview as part of my Interview Series, today we will be looking at all aspects of online marketing, can you grow a business that is dedicated only to social media platforms, is there enough training to help you grow your business? can you really leave your current job to work your business full time? can you grow as an entrepreneur online even if you don't have a big enough audience?  these are only a few out of hundreds of questions that people ask there self all the time, doubt if online marketing really works. My question is can it work?

Well, today I interviewed Olivia Johnson and here is what I discovered, born in Cambridgeshire a small little town called Wisbech Olivia was working as a deli chef, long hours over the weekend period so she could take care of her young daughter, full-time mother earning a living as well to make sure her daughter was cared for. Olivia wanted more for her daughter and her self. Looking for other ways to earn an extra income. Researching online until Olivia came across an opportunity obviously she took a while to look through all the details for this new adventure before taking the leap and joining a new company online. 2.5 years later and here we are, This lady has her own following on her business page over on Facebook LeBeauties, pulled herself out of her comfort zone to come live to show her products she uses to complete makeup looks. I have watched Olivia live and she holds her self extremely well, engaging with her audience and is always available to chat with her team and customers. Comes across as bubbly, friendly and outgoing. Olivia was more than happy to answer my questions so I decided to choose a selection of questions that would help anyone who was interested or on the fence about starting a business with online marketing.

Q.  Can you explain to me a little bit about the company you work for?

A. Younique is a mission-based company, family-based to. The mission is to uplift, Empower and validate other women. We also have a charity called the younique foundation, which is a charity that helps support and heal sexually abused women. I raised and donated £600 after braving the shave to our charity.

Q. Can you tell me a little bit about your business that you have grown?

A. I started off with no intentions to sell, no intentions to grow a business. did not have a damm clue about any of that, I'm a chef  ( Gordon Ramsay mouth too) but from simply showing and sharing the love I have for the products, company and also  how I have grown as a person because off this company. I strongly believe your vibe attracts your tribe.

Q.  What Social Media Platforms are best for your business?

A. My advice when it's regarding Social Media platforms is a simple formula. Choose 1 and work it until it ( runs itself) then move onto the next one. , otherwise focusing on so many your focus is divided rather than laser-focused. Instagram has this feature where you can post on there it can automatically be shared on Facebook. That's working smart, not harder.

Q. How do you plan on growing your business?

A. Not stopping, reaching out to so many people that need this for them, to find themselves again, there purpose, family-like support, personal growth, the extra income, I bleed purple and that will never change.

Q.  What tips can you give to keep a positive mindset?

A. Daily motivation videos, audio first thing in the morning. Starting your day right is a must. My personal favourite is Will Smith. I have loved him since I was a child in fresh prince bel air and he still is impacting on my life now with his motivation videos. Surrounding yourself with positive pollys and not negative nancies. Yes, easier said than done but your mental health and mindset should come first.

Q. How did you build your team?

A. The saying your vibe attracts your tribe, I believe this. I'm a little old liv what you see is what you get. I'm not one for faking it till I make it and being Instagram perfect. That's not real or relatable, just being you attract your tribe. From that, you have friends, to supporters, possible orders and then you let them know that they can do this business too. I'm not about making a sale but to build people up and finding their purpose that's the wage for me in this business

Q.  How did you know you made the right choice?

A. It's like no other job you apply for in the corporate world, you don't know you will rock it until you try it, it's that simple!  everyone has doubtful days. am I doing it right? should I still be doing this? but do you know what? many people are relying on me to show up and that is my motivation.  all those people who think I will fail in years to come they motivate me as well.

Q.  Can you tell me a little more bout the products you offer to your audience?

A. We offer skincare, cosmetics, tools and fragrances. All can be found on my website however if you don like the website side of things then I do have a catalogue too. I have never found a foundation that has stayed put, feels light, full coverage makes me feel and look good. All with minimal effort and little product used. The products sell themselves when your audience see your love for them. ( we don't sell we share)

Q.  Do you have a favourite product?

A.  Damm just 1?  the liquid touch foundation started LBEAUTIES
 however we have upgraded to the spray foundation that's a must-have, makes my skin feel amazing with the skin care ingredients in it too but also I love the rosewate. Its helped so much with my pores and blemishes. I had no idea about skincare until it was launched and we had training so we knew what we were showing and sharing. That's important, knowledge is power.

Q.  What would your advice be to anyone wanting to start there own business online?

A.  My advice would be research and find a mentor you can connect with. Not the mentor with the most following and loads of promotions because at the end of the day if you cant relax and chat with your mentor, its all work, work and more work. If you want this to be your business then work and play is possible with the right squad.

Q.   How do you cope with negative criticism?

A.   Honestly, it used to knock me so hard like I would go offline for days, sometimes weeks even. That's because I wasn't doing self-development. I wish I did not waste a year thinking I did not need it, I was wrong. Doing self-development helps massively and the negative nancys are a reflection of them, not you. Stay laser-focused on your mission and goals. Let them become distracted while you keep looking forward.

Q.  can you earn an income with online marketing?

A.  Yes, 100%, you can earn as much as your mindset and your motivation will let you earn.  If you don't grow these two things then you won't grow your income its that simple, if it's not working shake things up and grow yourself.

Q. could you still grow n online business even without a big audience to start with?

A.  Yes off course, have to start somewhere. My best advice is start  take action don't wait for the perfect time that does not exist. being an influencer takes time. The best advice is to be yourself, if you don't know who you are, then find you in the process of sharing you and giving value, watch how inspiring you are to people. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and mess up, the most successful people have the most failures,  you learn from your mistakes and grow moving forward.

Q. Where do you see your self in 5 years?

A. This is something I've struggled with, I was raised to exist, yes we all have dreams but for me its always been a challenge setting them in a timescale. I had such a roller coaster life, in 5 years time I would like to open my own Deli lounge called Lbeauties lounge. have only shared this information with a close few. A place of sheer bliss and positivity, motivational mornings with a brew. Midweek makeover classes with some cake.

Oliva finished  the question with "if  I can get this dream started in 5 years I would be extremely happy and humble" 

One last thing before we finish this interview do you have any inspiring quotes that are  favourites that you would like to share?

success doesn't come without failure and we need
to have a more positive attitude towards failure, because
when we fail we grow from this to then become successful rather 
then letting it consume us.

- will smith

                               FINAL THOUGHTS.

I enjoyed interviewing Olivia today, she answered the questions without any hesitation. I admire her drive and ambition. I have a better understanding of how to grow a business and becoming an entrepreneur, I hope I have not left anything out and that the information Olivia provided will help you guys at home as well.

the final question would be,  does Online Marketing really work?  Yes with dedication and time, and not giving up so soon because you have not seen the progression. To enjoy this process without letting negative comments or trying to do too much at once pull you down, stay grounded and stay positive. It does not happen overnight but if your consistent and you are enjoying this journey you can achieve anything you put your mind to

with love sharleeigh 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Really appreciate it and opened my eyes up with the questions that I need to share more if my business to my audience and not just me. Difficult to find a balance. But challenge accepted. Thank you xoxo
