Throw The Negativity Away And Invite The Positivity In
Having a positive mindset means making positive thinking a habit. I was spending a lot of my time in a negative bubble, I needed to turn negative-self talk in to positive self-talk, yes this took a while to figure out because I was so used to being stuck in a rut it was a constant battle, in time it became easier and I started to believe that it was okay to speak nicely about my self. I became my friend and not my enemy, because after all positivity is more about a persons overall perspective on life and all the good things that happen instead of being covered up with all this negativity and stress. I would get upset, hurt and sometimes annoyed. I let my feelings get in the way which then meant I did not have a positive mindset, I was one of those people who went through life loosing a battle to my mindset allowing my feeling take over and determine my actions. It’s a working progress but I can say that it is sort of behind me now, it’s all about accepting those feelings and taking the right actions.
"open the door to your mind, allow the fresh air, the lights and new truths to enter "
Yes, sometimes I still think about things and say “what if” or “this should have been me” however this only lasts a short while before I snap out of it. You need to realise that training your mindset to be positive does not happen over night but you can succeed however, keeping your mindset strong is a daily exercise. I thought of ways to make this fun, it is not for everyone but it works for me. I brought a glass jar with a screw-on lid and inside this jar, I placed quotes that I have written, little sentences that my 2 children have written out. It can be anything that helps bring your positive self to the surface. One of my notes my youngest son wrote was “I love you strong mummy” when I read this out the words he wrote brought me to tears (happy tears I must add) a smile across my face. My eldest drew a picture of a lady with a cape around her neck. ( super mum) according to my eldest son. What I saw and what my children saw where two different people, well that’s what I thought but actually I just realised I must be doing something right if this was really how they saw me. Every morning when I took the quote to read, it helped start my day as productive and energetic. remember what works for me may not work for you and vice vera its all about finding that balance and finding something that works for you.
Top Tips Throw Away Negative Thoughts, And Welcome Positive Thinking.
1. Yoga
I went onto Youtube and came across a class that was easy to follow at home, I have been enjoying the classes. Instead of thinking about what could happen Yoga keeps me in the now the most important moment at this time. IM spending all my time focusing on my breathing and keeping my posture strong, once the class has finished I'm feeling relaxed and my mind is calm.
2. Smile
I wake up and I smile, yes it is not always as easy as that especially if I have finished a 14-hour shift at work I'm tired, I never forget my smile. Whilst I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth, looking into the mirror I smile, telling my self that today is going to be great, achieving everything I put my mind to.
3. surrounding myself with positive upbeat people.
Everyone can relate to me on this subject, spending so much time around friends who bring me down its not cool, I want to have people in my circle ( being at work, friendships or relationship) who are uplifting instead of tearing me down. I always feel more energised and my attitude changes for the better.
4. Focus on all the good thing that happens in my day.
There is no such thing as a perfect day, I will always have challenges to face throughout the day. For me, it could be the smallest thing and I feel so much anxiety towards it even begin to panic. For example, I could be late out of work normally this would give me so much Anxiety however I have come to realise that I cant fix this situation so now I think about how I am using this time as a positive and I would finish some work that I would have completed the next day. Or if I am walking to work and its cold and dull first thing I would have said was " I can't be bothered" its a long walk and its cold however I can use this time to listen to a full podcast or make a long playlist of my favourite upbeat songs.
5. Humour
Even through the darkest hour I always try to find humour, I look back now and realise that certain situations that I have experienced at the time felt like my life crumbled all around me. I actually laugh about them now.
" Always take the good out of any bad situation "
I hope you guys enjoy reading this post. What tips do you guys have to keep your positive mindset?
I am always up for trying new strategies to help keep positive and keep the negative AWAY
with love Sharleeigh xx
This is a great write-up and I particularly love the part about putting quotes in a jar, that warmed my heart a lot as I used to do that with my children. My other favourite part was the last suggestion ‘humour’ we really do need to laugh lots and more ! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!